Kat Amarie — BPD

Priyadarshini Prakash
2 min readDec 3, 2023


Heard of Self-fulfilling prophecies?

That’s her anthem.

Terrified of abandonment,

She abandons before you do.

She walks out before you do.

She’d hurt you and herself, before you do.

That’s how she stays in control of the pain.

Her reputation precedes her.

But if she had a say,

she’d make it stop and find another way.

She’s colorblind, especially to grey.

People are good or bad,

They either guard or betray.

Her emotions are unchained and unfiltered.

Love? Death is cleaner for her.

Sadness feels like Suicide,

Anger feels like Murder,

Loving makes her paralyzed,

Losing someone is dying,

Happiness is Euphoria,

Feeling Normal is Nothing.

She manipulates and lies

to make you linger.

She uses deceit

to make her still life Ripple.

Toxic relationships drain her.

Healthy relationships bore her.

She’s a walking, breathing minefield;

her mood is a tempest that storms in.

Her life is a paradox personified.

So, she exits before it even begins.

I came across a YouTube video of @kat.amarie where she explains what it feels like to have BPD. I picked up some lines I loved from that video and added some more. She is a filmmaker, an underrated one at that. Her videos are magnificent and fascinating. Go check her out ❤

